Knowledge@Terra Classrooms -- Testing on Climate, Land, Soil and Water 测试关于气候、土地、土壤和水的地域知识环境课堂
As a Worldwide Event of World Soil Day 2018, Testing of Knowledge@TerraClassrooms inaugurated in Shanghai, China in subsequent months (04.12.2018 - 30.09.2019), in order to understand and disseminate integrated policy-practice and territorial solutions over land, soil water and climate aspects. The main objectives of the 10-month test are:
Understand territorial characteristics and knowledge with all aspects of blue-green ecology and social economy, promote environmental regional education and innovative exchange models in the same region and across regions;
Communicate land-soil related agricultural-horticultural management and sustainable solutions, with special attention to common crisis between Regional Policies & Practices;
Expand keynote actions of the World Soil Day from 1 day to 365 days of the year, transform into regional development practices;
To design spatial territorial policy-practice solutions as “Best Knowledge Exchange Classrooms” and continue after the testing period.
This testing application focuses on young people, farmers and local policymakers with the theme of “sustainable management of agricultural and horticultural land use”. World Soil Day, other “Global Days”, UN Sustainable development goals, research and practice platform data sources etc. will be studied, integrated into lesson materials and on-site environmental situations.
Knowledge@Terra Classrooms is a new education, exchange and cooperation method of scientific practices, that connects typological sustainable solutions of global territories, regional tailored sustainable industries and policy-practice sustainable actions on global challenges. Learning internatioal and regional partners, platforms and projects, it will select natural-cultural urban-rural heritage regions and understand regional awareness levels and other preconditions. With special cross-territorial comparisons, it will disseminate land-soil related policy-practice knowledge and approaches, incl. sustainable soil management, green buildings and construction technologies, soil pollution prevention and eco system control, climate resilience and response tools, various agroecology systematic practices (sustainable cultivations), integrated water catchment management etc. Deepening discussions should be prepared for creative project modes and integrated solutions for green technologies, environmental education, spatial planning and investment-finance.
In order to focus on displaying various regional solutions, effectively exchange information on international and regional policies and practices, and promote the action process, the initiator NatureHerit applied the creation of a presentation and communication network space for Knowledge@Terra Classrooms on the European Union Development Cooperation Knowledge Sharing Platform Capacity4Dev.
“地域知识课堂”测试作为2018年世界土壤日的全球活动于中国上海启动,为了共同应对世界危机,在2018世界土壤日和以后的几个月里(2018.12.04 - 2019.09.30)了解和传播融合气候、土地、土壤和水资源的政策实践和地域解决方案。这个为期十个月的特殊测试的主要目的如下:
Initiator & Planner /发起和策划:
NATUREHERIT Design & Consult (Netherlands)
To ensure an inclusive inter-territorial exchange and cooperation strategy, sincere thanks to the institutions, organisations and networks so far that are supporting the sharing spreading of the testing of Knowledge@TerraClassrooms:
World Soil Day 2018, UN FAO, Global Soil Partnership 世界土壤日,联合国粮农组织,全球土壤伙伴关系
European Union Development Cooperation Knowledge Sharing Platform - Capacity4Dev Capacity4Dev欧盟发展合作知识共享平台
Spanish Soil Science Society (SECS) Sociedad Española de la Ciencia del Suelo (SECS) 西班牙土壤科学学会
China Academy of Forestry 中国林业科学研究院
NATUREHERIT Design & Consult (Netherlands) 自然颖源设计咨询(荷兰)
Shandong Institute of Geological Sciences 山东省地质科学研究院
Water Resource Research Institute of Shandong Province 山东省水利科学研究院
Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences (SAES) 上海环境科学研究院
Sino-Dutch “5+5” Green Tech Bank Cooperation Office 中荷 5+5 绿色技术银行联合办公室
Liaoning Technical University (LTU), Fuxin, China辽宁工程技术大学,中国阜新
China Agricultural University 中国农业大学
Modern Forestry Technology Service Centre, Lin’an District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China 浙江省杭州市临安区现代林业科技服务中心
Shanghai Services Federation Low Carbon Economy Committee (SSF-LCEC) 上海现代服务业联合会-低碳经济专业委员会
Huazheng Lotus Root Industry Research Institute, Hengtai County, Shandong Province, China山东省恒台县华正荷藕产业研究所,中国
Belgian Bamboo Society 比利时竹协会
American Bamboo Society 美国竹协会
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