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Embrace Green, Circular and Prosperous Places in the world...
in testing
Natureherit Dialogues
As part of territorial spatial planning with inter-territorial dialogues, Natureherit Dialogues discover narrative topics and nouveau possibilities for beneficial interactions between any two or more places in the world.
The inter-territorial discussions shall gather sectors and innovations over new heritage development between even faraway regions. The topics and speakers are highly professional, operational and potential, should effectively discuss public-private territorial actions - deeper understanding of Knowledge, Value and Beauty of the Heritage Terra (地域遗产之美).
Keep tuned......
Green Sessions 绿色谈话系列
>> First Green Session was organized as a partner event at EU Green Week 2017, follwoing links:
A Discovery Dialogue on Climate Policy and Practice, May 31, 2017, Brussels, Belgium
Report came online, news on Eltis - EU Smart Mobility Platform 29-08-2017
Speech results and background studies from this event proofed the lacking understanding and fragmentation between Policies, Researches and Practices. Better communication are needed than ever towards various regions, players and operations.
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