Collective, Inclusive and United GreenMagnets
We are passing by many places everyday. What can we learn from our nearby and faraway reality environments, when hurrying to an official meeting or on a private trip? What are in there, the livable surroundings and memorable places?
With open/public data around physical environments as the Place Datasets, GreenMagnets'Tools aims to revive nature-heritage places in cities and regions to help them transfer territorial green businesses, climate solutions and targets. The bridging of physical and cultural distances will help cities and regions to evolve existing qualities into local green economies and prosperities, as well as take up potentially inclusive players, discover their complementary development and opportunities from faraway and nearby.
Monitoring sustainable process of policy and economies, exchange approach for Smart City and Smart Rural Area development with old and new solutions, with rediscovery of nature-culture heritages; When rural areas need more effective support in EU and globally, green economy projects in relation to touristic and leisure sites might achieve more balanced urban-rural developments between the Global Places (particularly interesting are cities and regions on UNESCO World Heritage list, but also from wider fronts).

Green city square at Elisenbrunnen, Aachen, Germany

Bamboo drainage garden, Anji, Zhejiang Province, China
As tools working with micro environments at local levels, GreenMagnets'Tools are not only connected digitally, but through a keen combination of digital and physical real-life approach. GreenMagnets'Tools can be applied on different levels as Interfaces, Programs & Open Sources:
GreenMagnets' interfaces link directly actual programs of Cities, Regions and Places, to exchange inclusive climate education & resilience practices in key places. Place promotions in refreshing and widely understandable ways, environment-educational programs for various interest groups, tourists and residents, trigger place promotion and responsible investments for local authorities and their businesses;
Through reuse of documentary and experience data, GreenMagents'Tools help to advocate existing green and social policies, their projects and actions in web-reality interactive programs, to achieve maximum effective and synergetic impacts on local levels;
In the gradual application process, GreenMagnets' will grow open sources for public and specific use, meaningful contents from green policies, tools and practices in global and regional contexts could be recollected, reselected and reused.